Wednesday, 12 March 2014

February Overview

Hello everyone!

February was a very swingy month. I had more ups and downs than what you'd normally get on a roller coaster. As I described in a previous post, I also had my worst day ever. If we take that into consideration, I'm very happy with the fact that I managed to turn it around and finish the month with a bit of a profit.

I'm also pretty happy with the volume I put. So yeah, nothing too exciting happened at the tables during February overall (apart from the shock of that brutal downswing which was a lot of negative excitement accumulated). However, it was the month where it became public that I joined PokerStars Team Online, so I consider February as a great month, even though the monetary profit was small!

You may have noticed a little something next to my name in the screenshot above. And that brings me to my next subject... Sharkscope stars! As I was sharkscoping myself the other day to check I don't-remember-what, I saw it: a silver star next to my nickname! I clicked on it and saw with even bigger surprise that I had made it in the top 20 of the Profit 2014 leaderboard for the hypers between 37 and 100 dollars!

And not only I made it in the top 20, but I was at number #14 too! That was pretty cool! :) Unfortunately, I lost the star a couple of days later. The profit leaderboard is one that keeps growing as the people in it make more and more money. I had a couple of bad days, which took me out of the top 20. But still, it was a cool thing that I was there even shortly. That put the leaderboards in my radar and now I'm keeping track of what's happening. Even though I'm not among the top 20 anymore, I'm actually not that far behind so maybe I'll get one of those stars back!

About a week after that incident, I saw the star next to my name again. When I clicked on it, it took me to a different leaderboard. This time it wasn't the one about profit, but the one about count. Count is how many tournaments you've played, so that's where you'll find the people with the highest volume.

I'm 20th, but I'm closing in on the 19th. This is also the kind of score that will only grow as time goes by, so I could get out of the top 20 if I took some days off or something like that. But then again, how many tournaments you play is something that you have total control over so that's a leaderboard I'll definitely going to keep my eye on.

And to finish this post on another positive note, yesterday I had a pretty sick day. It was not my best day ever, but it came close in terms of buy-ins. I think my best record is around 96 buy-ins in a day and yesterday I won 83. Pretty awesome and if I could run every day like I did yesterday, then that's all I want from my poker career, lol!

That's all for now guys! I'll talk to you soon with another blog post. In the meantime, run crazy good at the tables! :)


  1. Olá katerina, adorei o post. Parabéns pelo seu mês, que como vc disse não foi muito lucrativo, mas por todos os motivos elencados no texto, foi incrível, certo? Parabéns pelo top 20 e que em todos os dias de março vc ultrapasse muito mais que os 96 buy-ins. Forte Abraço!! Agora que descobri o link certo, acompanhando sempre!!

    1. Olá Chaiane!

      Era bom ultrapassar os 96 buy-ins todos os dias de março, era! Obrigada pelo comentário e pela menção no seu blog! Gosto muito de ver mais mulheres a jogar e a escrever sobre o poker. Abraço!

  2. Too much excitement about that Katerina.
    Some years later you realize that the SS star has almost every non-recreational player. SS has added to many stars for tens of different achievements so it is super easily to get some of them.
    2nd thing, more important, is that basically you are in a leader which has a zero value these day / last years because 80% serious players are blocked and many of them would be ahead of you.
    Basically you are competing with a couple of regs in leaderboards for recreational players. ^^

    1. There aren't that many different achievements, there are 4 divided by stakes and types of games. Sure, the best 500 and 100 streak av. profit are completely aleatory, but the profit and the count ones make sense.

      I disagree about 80% of serious players having their stats blocked. Sure a lot of them do, but then again you have people like jorj95, acoimbra, scossett and tons of others that have their stats unblocked. I'm pretty sure that percentage is inaccurate. Would I be further down or out of the top 20 if everyone was participating? Probably yes. But I wouldn't go as far as saying that I'm "competing with a couple of regs in leaderboards for recreational players". From the Count leaderboard I posted above, I recognize half the screen names as good regs from my games. So I don't think you have a valid argument there.

      But even if I get excited about a distiction as insignificant, according to you, as a sharkscope star I don't see how that could ever be a concern. Too much negativity in your comment for no apparent reason.

  3. I am so sorry that my post seems so negative but unfortunately it is like it is.
    That 80% is not really so important as the fact that you would see at least ten different players in most of leaderboards if nobody would be blocked.
    We both can name 3-4 another blocked serious players for 1 unblocked name from satellites.

    Anyway, on other side those leaderboards can motivates a player to play more, that can be possitive for some to participate...

    I just call it recreational because most of regs just dont participate. Could find a better expression, yes.

    1. Personally I can't name 3-4 regulars that are blocked for every 1 that's not. And if I gave you a list of all the regs that are unblocked, I'm pretty sure you couldn't either. But let's not do that cause there are more productive ways to spend our time.

      Obviously the leaderboards of Sharkscope are not my motivation in poker and I seriously doubt if they are anyone else's. But it's still a fun thing to keep track of.

      I feel like we're spending more time discussing this subject than we should have. So let's agree to disagree this time and leave it at that. :)

  4. Nice blog! Now read this blog and entries. I interested in hypers and i read about you play sits hyper.

    I've added to my list of blogs on if you can add me to your list'll be very grateful! Greetings and I hope to read your blog often.

    1. Hi there! Glad you liked my blog, I hope to see you around! :)

    2. Oh, and thank you for adding me to your blogroll list. I noticed however that on your blog you talk about bitcoin and things like that and I only add to my blogroll blogs that are about poker. Thanks again!

  5. olá Katerina...não sei se estou autorizado a comentar isto aqui mas se não poder podes apagar (até porque o blog é teu :D ) não comentar no blog do André mas não sei porque não consegui.

    este gráfico é considerado normal nos padrões dos profissionais? isto é só azar ou estou a ter más decisões? são hyperturbos satélites... caso queiras responder por email para não ocupar o blog

    Uma abraço para vocês os 2 deste conterrâneo conimbricense(neste caso é só dele :)) e continuação de uma boa sorte

  6. Olá Bruno,

    Não estou a ver nada fora do normal no teu gráphico... Estás a perder por volta de 23 buy-ins depois de 1.2K jogos. Este tipo de swing podias ter num dia só, e 1.2K jogos é uma amostra pequena para tirar conlusões. Continua a estudar o teu jogo e não te preocupes com o azar a curto prazo. Boa continuação e boa sorte! :)

    1. quanto será então uma amostra razoável?quanto precisarei de perder/ganhar para saber se sou um jogador perdedor/lucrativo?

    2. Não se trata de perder ou ganhar X para poder dizer se es um jogador perdedor ou lucrativo. Eu diria que uma amostra razoável é 10K jogos mas mesmo assim não podes ter a certeza 100%. Já aconteceu a top regs do formato perder depois de 10K jogos por exemplo. Os hypers são mesmo um jogo com variancia enorme.

    3. ok...muito obrigado Katerina...uma abraço para vocês os 2 e continuação de uma bom trabalho ;)


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